Чудовий слот за мотивами популярного фільму
Ми всі пам’ятаємо хіт-франшизу «Парк Юрського періоду», яка заробила купу грошей у кінотеатрах по всьому світу. Однак зображення останніх фільмів онлайн-слоти також дуже популярні через виплати тонн грошей деяким гравцям казино kosmolot.biz.ua.
У цей 5-барабанний онлайн-слот із 243 способами виграшу від Microgaming можна грати на кількох пристроях і платформах. Він оснащений чудовою графікою, надзвичайно плавною анімацією та безліччю вигідних бонусних функцій.
”Mutual funds – a better way of planning your investments
Mutual funds are steadily making an entry into the household savings with an increased awareness about financial planning. Moreover, with everything becoming more expensive, investment in traditional instruments might not live up to your expectations. This is where investments in mutual funds can be beneficial. Whatever your goals might be, there are mutual funds to help meet them.
Choosing the right asset management company and the right mutual fund, hence, becomes the first important step in achieving your financial goal.

Mutual Fund Management
CWTAMC collects money from different kind of investors under a mutual fund structure to invest in securities such as stocks, bonds and money market instruments to generate return so that investors not only can beat inflation but also can accumulate wealth over the long run.

Corporate Fund Management
Our Portfolio Management Services are highly customized to cater to needs of institutional clients, and enable them to achieve their investment goals. We manage portfolios for clients based on their horizon and risk-taking capacity.

Provident Fund, Gratuity Fund and Pension Fund Management
CWTAMC provides active management of Provident Fund, Gratuity Fund, and Pension Fund assets, including fixed income securities, money and equity market securities, and promises to generate a better return than normally generated from a mere FDR investment strategy.
CWT Emerging Bangladesh First Growth Fund
NAV at Market
BDT 13.98
Sale Price
BDT 13.68
Repurchase Price
BDT 13.58
Validity: February 16, 2025 to February 19, 2025
NAV Return
DSEX Return
Inception date: August 5, 2019
CWT-Sadharan Bima Growth Fund
NAV at Market
BDT 12.40
Sale Price
BDT 12.00
Repurchase Price
BDT 12.00
Validity: February 16, 2025 to February 19, 2025
NAV Return
DSEX Return
Inception date: September 9, 2020
CWT Opportunities Fund
NAV at Market
BDT 10.15
Sale Price
BDT 9.85
Repurchase Price
BDT 9.75
Validity: February 16, 2025 to February 19, 2025
NAV Return
DSEX Return
Inception date: June 7, 2021
CWT – Community Bank Shariah Fund
NAV at Market
BDT 10.32
Sale Price
BDT 10.32
Repurchase Price
BDT 10.22
Validity: February 16, 2025 to February 19, 2025
NAV Return
DSES Return
Inception date: September 25, 2023
Why Invest with us?
At CWTAMC, we believe in creating long term wealth for investors so that they can meet their financial goals. Every employee of our organization strives to create an unparallel experience for all the investors.
Are you ready to begin your investment journey?
Leave your contact detail, we will get in touch with you.